a much needed update · 1:08am Jan 30th, 2022
Damn it's been a hot minute since I've showed any signs of life on here, huh? I was encouraged to pop my head back in my one of my best friends in the world, and after seeing that I'd gotten some unread private messages asking about continuing Midnight Radiance, I think she was right to tell me to give you all an update.
First things first, the thing I know is the main question several people want answered:
RIP dear author
For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...
Giving Peace To Those Who Are Lost Or Have Banish
What happened to the audio
Just read it and very good!
2201073 With any luck, it'll be posted tonight after I get home from work~!
When are you going to post the sequel to Lingering Shadows? I thought that the first one was very good and I was wondering when it will be posted because you said May?