• Member Since 26th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2019


80% Sarcasm, 10% Sex Jokes and 10% Unknown Materials...

Tales from the mind of a crazy human

The man known as Flanagan

I've been called many things, but you can call me Flanagan.

Currently in college, but I still think WAY too much, that's why I draw and write.

Age: 25 (Yay now I'm closer to how old people think I am! ... ... ... *They think I look 28...*)

Sex: Why not? (you're a girl right? cause I don't bat for that team)

Likes: Dogs, Superman, Halo, Reese's, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Transformers, Ponies (why else would I be here?),drawing and writing, serving my country as best I can and defending those who cannot do it themselves.

Dislikes: People (especially kids), senseless hate (whether it be on a global scale or someone insulting another's work with no real reason I hate it), the continual degrading of the human soul in society today, My own sense of inner frustration and guilt for things that I had no power to control and the anger I have at myself for the times could've done something.

Ultimate goals: Graduate college and pursue a carrier in Comic book writing/illustration... hopefully getting a job with DC to either be the writer or illustrator for Superman.

Color: Look at Superman's costume those are my favorite colors

Best Pony(s): The Royal Sisters (If I put one of their names in front of the other it would seem like I was playing favorites.)

Worst Pony: Pinkie Pike (Crucify me, I really can't stand that archetype)

Stuff I listen to while writing: Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Evans Blue, Gemini Syndrome, Shinedown, Five Finger Death Punch, Art of Dying, Pop Evil, Device, Volbeat, Three Days Grace, Otherwise... (you get the picture.)

As a warrior I am most like...


In Regards to Today... · 2:35am Nov 10th, 2016

That is all.
Stay tuned for possible story drops.

Report Flanagan · 753 views · #MAGA

The Window in which I praise ScorpDK.

If you think I'm good at this just remember...

And yes... that's me and that's what I sound like.

Goals and aspirations... i.e. stuff that'll never happen... (Most likely)

1. Be a good writer (Not until I get into Twilight's Library at least twice will I believe that I have accomplished this)
2. 200 followers I guess I'm going for three hundred now... ... ... ... ... SPARTA!
3. Have someone ask ME for writing tips/critiques (iAmaNewb did that for me YAY)
4. Have someone who is very popular from the site follow me (Thanks Spacecowboy!)
5. Get into the feature box. (Hooray for Porn!)
6. Get something in the feature box that isn't porn... (Fuck YEAH! AWNR! You all rock!)
7. Find Waldo
8. Do a good crossover fiction (In progress... hopefully it will play in my favor)
9. Prove a hater wrong (This has been done... twice)
10. Write something that doesn't become serious or (overly) romantic at any given point (guess AK:SNC and DBZA: V&N EA counts)
11. Meet an nice girl, settle down and have that grandson my parents have been bothering me about ever since I left the house.

Comments ( 183 )
  • Viewing 179 - 183 of 183

Hey Flanagan, I would like to introduce myself.

My name is C,C,

I just wanted to say thanks for writing "The Princess and I" as well as the second story following Aden into Equestria.

I must say that I truly enjoyed the characters and how they were written, and for the most part I have no complaints.

However (and you obviously knew that there was going to be one) that the biggest question that I've been brewing about is?

Who sent the minotaur and who was the one who paid for the contract on Aden's life? If I were to guess? My first choice would have been Fancy Pants 👖. Because he most likely has the biggest issue with him. Like going into his dream, making him piss himself in front of Celestia as well as in the restaurant/bar that he frequent while Aden was in pony form.

However this is purely conjecture simply because he's the only pony that you've written about. Yet most likely there were others that could have done so, but you never written about.

Or perhaps there could have been several ponies involved? Unfortunately since you are the author of this great story, you are the only one who can really answer this question, not to mention if they were or were not caught. Not to mention what punishment would they have received if they were?

In all honesty this single point has really been eating away at me. Especially since this is about the 8 or 9th time that I've reread your stories.

Also there was one other thing that I would have rather enjoyed reading.

It was right after the twins were born. (BTW I also wanted to add that I am a father of twins. Boy & girl in fact, so I can truly relate to this story.)

What I would have liked to see was asking Discord to be one of the baby's godfathers. The reason why I'm suggesting this is because my children each has their own god parents. It seemed only fair since I come from a big family myself.

However this is only a suggestion, not to mention that it would keep Discord in the mix much easier, you know just visiting to see his God child type of thing.

Other than those two things I truly enjoyed reading your work. Hopefully you will eventually write something after the children become toddler age or whatnot. Maybe even taking a vacation back to earth to visit the grandparents maybe?

I believe that would make a great continuing to your work. However it's just an idea.

Also if you're interested I do have a few other ideas that you might enjoy. If so please write me back.

Thanks again and keep writing.

C,C, Ramirez

Comment posted by Midnight1 deleted Oct 3rd, 2019

He hasn't been on here for a while, But I do believe he is still around. I looked at his youtube page and saw one of the playlist updated 3 days ago. Hope he is doing good.

Comment posted by Zodiackiller315 deleted Jul 2nd, 2018

Toasted Ravioli? Do you know.

  • Viewing 179 - 183 of 183
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1. When writing anything, put your heart and soul into it, don't try to half-ass it and expect it to become popular
2. Celestia is not evil, she is not a pervert, she is not a tyrant, she is not one to pull harmful pranks, she is not violent, she is kind, she is loving, she is beautiful, but most of all she is completely selfless and will always put the needs of her subjects above her own.
3. Grimlock is King, no exceptions.
4. Never ever... under any circumstance... turn a human into an alicorn... only bad can come of it.
5. Humanity is flawed, but at it's core, humanity is good.
6. If someone doesn't like your story, ask them why, so that you may improve in those areas, same for if they like it, so that you know what you're already good at.
7. Once you find your niche in writing, do something completely different, the comfort zone is a dead zone.
8. Never EVER let someone discourage you from writing, those who more than likely will spout hate won't know how to write in the first place (I'm talking about you Theater Critic)
9. The world is so full of beautiful places to think, go outside and see what you can think of.

I can draw too!