• Member Since 31st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen April 19th



back from the dead... kinda · 1:05am Dec 21st, 2016

Hey y'all. How's it going?

Alright, you can breathe now. I seem to have returned to the land of the living.

Things have been interesting these past couple of years, and life has gotten in the way of many things, so I thought I'd give you guys a bit of an update.

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Report Hironoto · 692 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
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Good luck out there man...

Hey bro hope your MARSOC A&S went well hope you got what you went in for. Hope there will be a new chapter soon the suspense is killing me on what will happen next. Really big fan of the story. Keep up the good luck. Also I was going to join the Marines but unfortunately I fall into the catagory as a section 8. Plus some physical issues stopped me as well. Really love the Corp!! Hope to see a new chapter soon!

Good luck man

Hey was wondering when a new chapter will be out am very excited to read the next one. Cant wait to see what happens to the guardians of the sand with the corps of protectors bolstering the ranks of the royal guard. Hopefully the new chapter will be long.

I have to wonder how the season 4 finale would have played out had Captain Sinder and his Corps of Protectors been around.

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