• Member Since 17th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2023

DBZcrossover fan

You are a Sith that is on the Light Side of the Force. You happen to be a Sith Lord, but through it's power you can do what you think is right. The Sith provide you a tool to do right.

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2725700 it gladdens my heart to hear that you enjoyed my works.

You're welcome, thank YOU for the entertaining stories.

Thank you for the follow

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Do you like it? · 2:52am Oct 6th, 2015

So as you can see as is the norm for fimfic users I changed my picture to something a bit creepier for the Halloween season.

The whole picture.

Goodnight everyone.

Report DBZcrossover fan · 414 views ·