Bombastic Dancing Queen Chrysalis · 5:08pm Jul 18th, 2014
Found a Hot New Anthro vid starring Chrysalis while browsing derpibooru! Was so impressed by it that I made big screenshots of it and posted them on derpibooru. Check it out Y'all!
PS: Personally not a big fan of hoof-hands on Anthros, but she's so hot I don't even care! LOL!
2335848 Yeah, I'm not dead. I just rarely visit the site anymore. I have a job and I rarely ever get the craving to write mlp fanfcitions anymore. It's probably why my page has been kinda dead for the last couple of years.
Oh and Blind Trust is pretty much a closed page in my book.
are you here?
Damn, I suddenly feel like enjoying your pic's knockers myself.
That profile pic... It's... it's... GLORIOUS! [Drewling intensifies]