• Member Since 21st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 16th


I'm guy who sometimes writes fanfiction. I like bacon.

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Grumblemumble... · 3:06am Mar 2nd, 2014

You know those times when you write something, and then go back to rewrite a certain part of that something because you realized that it was kinda dumb as dumb-stuff, but wind up getting completely stalled in the process, and the wind is taken out of your metaphorical sails?

...yeah. That kinda happened. To me.

*groan* Hopes...dashed! At least I have Dr. Pepper...I'll take it...and DRINK IT! ...at 8:30PM. It's a Saturday anyway, no one cares.

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Report Explodium · 1,982 views ·
Comments ( 194 )
  • Viewing 190 - 194 of 194

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

your story was baste

Are you ever gonna come back, your story was really good, and it would be sad if it disappeared

Hello? Are you there?

Yeah but I want to adopt his story thou

  • Viewing 190 - 194 of 194
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