• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 13th, 2020

One of the Crowd

<---- Drawn by mix-up. All I have to say is disappearing is easier when its a crowd of people that are exactly like you.

I'm Just charging my smart-pone.

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My favorite artist's work


Let's talk · 10:28pm Sep 17th, 2015

A lot of you guys know I love talking to you all so I figured I should make it clear with a blog post. I love talking to you all! There, it is done. In actuality I'm making this blog for those of you that wish to chat with me about anything other than my stories such as games, MLP, or just life in general. I'm not prohibiting talking about my stories here. I'm just saying it's better to say those things on the story. Oh and for those of you who didn't catch yesterdays blog before it got

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Report One of the Crowd · 570 views ·

I have a new avatar! · 12:35am Nov 22nd, 2015

Look, look at him in awe! Say hello to Iron Clad, my ponysona, who was drawn by mix-up. As always here is a link to his deviant art.

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Report One of the Crowd · 639 views ·

What to look forward too. · 2:33am Jul 19th, 2015

Alright I have a few ideas for different stories as you all may or may not know and with my first story finally done I figured I'd let you all get the most basic parts of some of my story ideas or in reality just the genre and basic problem and a possible title (Please if you got a better one for one of these let me know). This is also so I don't forget the story ideas as I tend to do so please if you don't like an idea or do like it let me know so I have a way of knowing what to write first.

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Report One of the Crowd · 551 views ·
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