Choices are one of the many curses of intelligence. What to do and where to go, but what about the choices we don't make? Are we neat or slobs, Friends or enemies, maybe even good or evil. Now, if you were thrown into a world where a choice can change your very way of thinking how would you change?
A comment driven story.
Tags will be added as decisions are made.
ARRRRGGGGHHH! All 3 of the options to vote for are interesting and unique and I can't decide!
7138642 too bad, you must decide!
7138647 then I choose....... MARK WHATNEY!
7138654 THERE WE GO!
7138656 NO WAIT! Alex!
7138661 There you go?
7138663 yeah! Alex! Final choice!
7138654 Mark Whatney... Shit potato farmer... From Mars! Coming this never.
7138672 you actually got my reference! And books better!
7138667 WORDS!
7138674 Looks like it's even across the board now.
Scratch that, Alex is ahead
Hmm tough choice... Alex, 'SCREW' THE RULES!
7138677 THE PUNS!
7138673 It is. And why wouldn't I?
7138689 NO
7138677 my Celestia
7138690 YUS!
7138693 ... Can you feel them? The puns clawing at your mind?! Sndowjdhsisiwhaosjwozxj *foams at the mouth*
7138698 * puts up hands and slowly backs away*
7138705 That wont help. You have to run!
7138711 Now you see why I love talking to these two!
7138712 I can be charming
7138705 *explodes while tasting purple*
7138774 you sir are an idiot!
7138711 Now where can I find a picture of a turd with a halo...? Decisions, decisions...
7138777 Not sure if being rude intentionally or jokingly.
7138777 Thanks you, I try my best, good man.
7138783 joking and refrencing the Simpsons
7138784 god I love you sometimes
7138790 I have not watched that show in years!
7138795 why?
7138799 Mostly forgot what channel it's on.
7138802 it's called a channel guide
7138806 Never,
7138811 ..... Touché
7138813 YAY I DID A THING!
7138793 ... You have no idea the amount of temptation I'm resisting by not slapping that 'Ha! Gaaaaaayyy!' Video as a response. ... Seriously, this is the 'move a mountain out of sheer will' type of shit.
7138805 I figured you would.
Alex has my vote.
7138905 Looks like Alex is in the lead in votes, eh?
7138911 Everypony loves a tinkerer. And he has the markings of being a brony. After the others get established a little, I might swing a vote Mark's way to see leadership trials without having to establish as much stuff at the same time.
7138922 They wont be getting as established as whoever wins this. Mostly because they'll be referenced and their actions will be heard of, but not seen...often. Basically this vote is for who is going to be who the main character is.
I think this was a very good first chapter, your dialog is mostly consistent and clear, all doe their are maybe Two places where I think it could have more clear. Your characters are for the most part clearly define. For a prologue, the characters are very clear in their personalty with their dialog, I think you did a good job for catching the personalty of Celestia she exert power but she stay true to her moral principles of not let rage or vengeance make her decisions for her. The three guys are interesting I can almost imagine personalties and what they will react in just this chapter, still need a little work to get a clear image of them, but it was an excellent firs try. For my selection of who the story showed focus on the next chapter? I am more partial toward the tinkerer Alex, but on the other hand Brian being pig headed make me think that their will be more accidents and misunderstanding with him along with the ponies. I will go with Alex, if he is as much of a scavenger for things as I think he is, then I think it is more likely that he will stumble on something interesting for the others and will wander off more if he has nothing else to tinker with.
So can you clarify what exactly I'm voting on, am I voting on the characters (which one I want to see most) and which trait I like best? Or does he have all of the traits by default? Are we voting on what happens next as well?
7139259 In this chapter it's which character you want to vote on being the main character of the rest of the story. They also will automatically get all those traits.
7139039 YAY! I finally got your approval with dialogue! I can live my life happily now. Seriously though, that was one of the main things I was trying to focus on in this chapter because it's been such a problem for me. As for Alex tinkering with random things well that is a large part of his character so you're right on that.
7139848 I think I would want to focus on Brian because he's the one leaving, thus it seems to me like a lot of stuff could happen to him, plus I like focusing on one human character more than the others.
7140370 So that' a vote for Brian.