They met at a Bakery a long time ago, and have only grown closer since. Celestia loves him because of how he is, though he does't look that bad either. On the day of their wedding something terrible happened however. He was gone! After starting an investigation Twilight Sparkle was the one who finally discovered who it was that took the princess' soon to be prince.
One shot.
If you guess who her husband is before the end of the story you get an internet.
Oh god.
6405079 What god? Banana god? Celestia and him have a deal going on you see.
6405191 Indeed? Do tell.
6405205 Well you see banana god has too many bananas. Celestia had to punish her guards in some way. They met and decided that Celestia can use said extra bananas for whatever it was she pleased. Certain things that I don't care to go into transpired after that.
3 words ' what the fuck
6405280 I don't know. I just saw a cake, and thought 'hehe Celestia loves cake'. I don't know why, but then I thought 'wait I should write something stupid'. that was how this was born.
6405298 lol it was funny as heck tough
6405318 That was what I was hoping for. Glad to see you enjoyed it!
Well, that was hilarious, didn't see that coming.
6415398 What didn't you see coming? Oh and I see you've decided to browse another one of my fics.
6415402 I didn't see what/who Celestia's husband would be coming
no spoilers here.
6415410 I knew that would get people! Seriously, I have no idea how that came to me after seeing a cake.
6415416 Well LOL
Called it.
6421305 Called what? Who her husband was? If so here is your internet,
Poor Charles will remembered for his brave sacrifice
6938247 He was an honorable and noble cake. He has a memorial in the kitchen.
6938330 *sniff* He was my favorite cake *sniff* NOW HE'S GONE
6938339 You will learn to love Chad. he is a very good cake.
6938344 *growls* NEVER MUAHAHAHA
6938377 HE'S FAKE!! A TRATOR!!!
FOR THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE Quadruple Fudge Triple Decker Black Forest cake * breaths in heavily* AND THAT IS CHARLES!!!
6938394 HE JUST WANTS YOUR LOVE *nom* mmm, this cake I got is pretty good.*nom*
6938400 He's a TRAITOR *lick* *nom* A traitor i tell you *nom* SOOOO good
6938406 Wait a minute...*Looks at cake* oh god, Celestia is going to kill me and you.
6938409 QUICK HIDE ALL EVIDENCE *swallows the hole cake* You get the crums
6938428 Already done...what, I'm not picky.
6938432 WAIT we forgot the note
6938451 Ransom or apology?
6938454 MUAHAHA !!RANSOM! Give them a ransom note.
Hehe all according to plan.
6938505 Got it. *Pulls out money* I already have it though!
6938789 Doesn't matter we need more. Then and only then will my plan succeed.
6939998 your plan? if I recall it was my plan
6940476 Fine, then what do we need more than money hmmm
6940863 Cake?
6941038 Not just any cake, a Quadrupled Deckered cake