• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2021

Prince Colgate


Update: I'm back! · 3:22am Jun 7th, 2014

Okay so, now that I'm very much a part of the Brony fandom again, I've decided to start writing again, for real this time. I've already started working on the real final chapter of Color Me Rainbow, even though it's late enough now that probably no one cares anymore. Anyway yeah, expect that.

Report Prince Colgate · 418 views · Story: Color me Rainbow ·

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479088 Sorry this very late response, I haven't been on in a long while. To be perfectly honest, I didn't really lose faith in the fandom, but rather lost faith in myself. I had gone through dark times, and lost sight of many things. I do plan to re-upload what I can, and I have plans to start writing again, at least hopefully.

2032756 I'm very sorry for all of that. I had kind of gone through a crisis a while back and wound up deleting all of my fanfiction because of it, long story. I know it's been long enough that no one really cares, but I've been becoming a part of the fandom again, and I intend to re-upload my old stories as I find them and, hopefully, post some more. I know I have a few of them saved, such as Color Me Rainbow, so I'll be getting them back up soon, and hopefully finishing the ones I never did.

Whoa, it looks like you actually deleted all your stories. What happened?

What happened to your story Color Me Rainbow? It was really good. I see you haven't been on in a while, hope you're doing well.

It's truly a shame to see a great author such as yourself lose faith in the fandom. I really enjoyed reading your stories, and I want to personally congratulate you for making me question myself and writing such amazing work.

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Update: I'm back! · 3:22am Jun 7th, 2014

Okay so, now that I'm very much a part of the Brony fandom again, I've decided to start writing again, for real this time. I've already started working on the real final chapter of Color Me Rainbow, even though it's late enough now that probably no one cares anymore. Anyway yeah, expect that.

Report Prince Colgate · 418 views · Story: Color me Rainbow ·