• Member Since 13th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2018

Oh hi there

ERROR: My phone won't play nice with Fimfic and is screwing over my avatar. For the record this is a picture of my dog with a jingly collar.


Shower thoughts · 4:13am Apr 25th, 2016

So, when you sing a flower, you're basically putting your nose right up to it's genitals. ... Well it's the not same idea, since plants don't actually have genitals as we think of them. I don't even know why I just said that, there's no reason I would need to explain that! Okay I'm rambling at this point, so I'll quit while I'm ahead and just stop now.

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Comment posted by Solar_Wolf deleted Aug 12th, 2023

2238639 Dammit. Thanks man.

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2224447 I envy you beyond all measure.

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