• Member Since 30th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 1st, 2017

Blake Belladonna


Realization · 12:51am Dec 14th, 2016

So I had a very profound realization today. I'm not sure how to explain it either but.... it's put me in a strange mood.
Im surrounded by friends and loved ones but I feel very.... Disconnected.... And I think that's because I've been trying to make something happen that won't ever happen sadly.
And the the reason why is because how I feel and look at the world is..... Different in a word...
Im not sure how to explain anything. What brought me to my realization though is this song-

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Report Blake Belladonna · 451 views ·
Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66

2427023 Would it be wrong to tell me what he said through message?

2427018 I will not say here, the would be disrespectful and I don't want to have any of it here

2424092 If I may ask, what did he comment there?

2424049 1) he is not the one who did that and 2) one step to far there bud

  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66
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