• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2023


Because if everyone's a princess... no one is.

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And so I Return · 2:43pm Oct 25th, 2016

Not to triumphant fanfare, not that I'd desire such a thing.

There shall be no excuses, no talk of future plans, merely an announcement.

However, to steal a line or two from a certain character... The flow of causality has brought me here, but now I stand against the tides.

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Report Frogmyre · 512 views ·
Comments ( 122 )
  • Viewing 118 - 122 of 122

It's been almost a year as well!

Love the Incredibles reference!

Thanks for the watch!

  • Viewing 118 - 122 of 122
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