Braeburned - inspired Fics 169 members · 23 stories

Any and all stories inspired by the pictures/comics/musings of Braeburned!
There were enough that I thought it'd be nice to have a place to collect them. If you'd like to add more, please do so!

Comments ( 2 )
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Kik me plz i just wanna have fun kickassmuffin19-kik
Boy and bi 15

I should mention that any fics added to this should probably mention what exactly inspired them. There are many groups on this site that already host varies gay stories, so if the only relation to "Braeburned" is "he draws gay horses and made me want to write about other gay horses", then it might not belong here! Stories added here should be inspired/based on specific comics or pictures or stories or whatever. So don't just add every gay braeburn story!

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