• Member Since 14th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th



Ponyfeather Edition of Mendacity! · 6:19pm Sep 30th, 2023

Very, very belated post, this, and I daresay many folks who would be interested in this have already found out one way or another on their own, but better late than never, I suppose. As of, um, about a month ago, Mendacity is available to order from Ponyfeather Publishing, in both hardcover and softcover editions!

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Pursuant to your interest in both MLP and Kelpies, I'd like to suggest you watch the Duck Tales Reboot. Specifically, "The Missing Links of Moorshire," though watching the first episode first for context wouldn't hurt.

Sir, you are incredible.

The Patreon looks dead to me or I'd throw some money at it. Where'd you go? Are you still writing somewhere? I'd love to read a new story by you.

He's writing the "Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Sassaflas" on Patreon and it is just as hot as the Rise and Fall hosted here.
Not much yet, but that will change as time marches forth.

Do you still write, or mostly read, these days?

  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71
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