• Member Since 1st Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2023

God Praiser

Greetings, my friend! I’m Elijah. Talk to me anytime! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)

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  • EEncore
    Why is heaven the end of all pains and suffering, but not all pain and suffering’s end? Can heaven escape the hangman of tears? An ode.
      God Praiser · 7.5k words  ·  10  9 · 310 views

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    Thank you, Fimfiction, for everything that you’ve given me 💚

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    It’s been a long time since I have spoken with you my friend. I have been growing a lot in my relationship with God and as such have spent little time on the site. However today was one time I was on and I was in the effort of trying spreading joy and happiness in a comment, and thought of you as you do similar on this website. And I thought to say hello since it had been such a long time hoping to show that in my respect and admiration of your spreading of kindness in such an often unkind media of online world I have never forgotten you and I hope I never shall, especially as I too seek to spread happiness and joy to any degree I can

    Aha! Nice! Good luck! XDD

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