I NEED FRIENDS!!!! · 5:20pm January 10th
Hey! I'm Naz, i've been on this website for nearly two years now. But i just noticed that i've just been reading fics and i really wanna have friends from here. So, anyone??? (please )
Horses has emotions too, horses can love, especially the colorful singing ones...
Hey! I'm Naz, i've been on this website for nearly two years now. But i just noticed that i've just been reading fics and i really wanna have friends from here. So, anyone??? (please )
Hey! I'm Naz, i've been on this website for nearly two years now. But i just noticed that i've just been reading fics and i really wanna have friends from here. So, anyone??? (please )
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Thanks for adding my story to your favorites! Also, did not know people still remembered that meme
Thanks so much for the follow! Love your profile pic by the way

You're welcome and thanks for the comment. I just loved your stories (I've read a few of them but i keep reading rest of them) (when i have time ofc)
Thanks a lot for the follow!
No problem, and thanks! I hope you enjoy them when you get around to it