• Member Since 13th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Comrade Abigor

Here to write stories for your entertainment and my pleasure.

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Blog Posts

  • 131 weeks
    Discoveries of love, new chapter

    Hi y'all. The new chapter of Discoveries of love is out. Sorry for taking so long to post but i also just recently posted another story in the same shared multiverse as Discoveries of love and other than that I've been dealing with life. Plus you can't really make me post every two days so yeah.
    Stay tuned for more

    0 comments · 109 views
  • 135 weeks
    First story is out

    My first story, discoveries of love is out. This is the first of many stories of the shared multiverse i plan to create. The reoccurring character that will be in all of them will appear briefly at the end of chapter two and will be explored on chapter three and further. Stay tuned to find out more:raritywink:

    0 comments · 88 views
  • 136 weeks
    Hello world.

    Hi I'm new here. I wasn't originally planning to start an account and thought to just read stories without interacting with anyone. However i got inspired to write myself plus writing is kinda a passion of mine so i decided to try it out here. So here i am right now writing this. So let's start an introduction. Hi I'm Abigor. Yes i know it's a weird name but it's my otherkin name so just roll with it please. I use it/its pronouns and i would like to not be gendered as I'm a gender nihilist

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Discoveries of love, new chapter · 10:37pm Jan 20th, 2022

Hi y'all. The new chapter of Discoveries of love is out. Sorry for taking so long to post but i also just recently posted another story in the same shared multiverse as Discoveries of love and other than that I've been dealing with life. Plus you can't really make me post every two days so yeah.
Stay tuned for more

Report Comrade Abigor · 109 views · Story: Discoveries of love ·
Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19


It will continue and get finished. I just don't dare to give a timeframe or estimation anymore. The first attempt to revive it in 2020 was ruined by covid-19. The second attempt in 2021 was thwarted because the announcement that all of Generation 5 is going to be animated in full-CGI, not just the Generation 5 Movie that started it, was a shock that affected me deeply in personal ways. I just barely managed to meet my most important writing goals for that Spring. The third attempt hasn't been made yet.
So, that's why I stay tight-lipped about a potential timeframe for the continuation now. I just don't want to appear like I'm making false promises again, if another thing gets in the way of revival attempt #3. I will probably only say something about it when I'm a couple chapters in and have them ready for release, something I can actually present and tease and preview. But it's going to come. Make sure to keep the story in a bookshelf, so that you'll be alerted of blog entries about it.

No problem just please continue it:pinkiesad2:

Thank you for favouriting "Filed Away"! :scootangel:

I wasn't in a mood to cry unfortunately, but it was good when it came to existential feelings. And dear do i love existential dread lol.

Thanks for the fave on Erasure! :twilightsmile: Glad you enjoyed the read, hope it managed to squeeze a few tears out of ya hehe

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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