• Member Since 7th Apr, 2019
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What do you do, when you don't wake up from a nightmare, but in it?

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  • 27 weeks
    Good days, bad days

    Hi everypony, it's been a while since the last update of my story :unsuresweetie:. My life has been in a dumps for a while and I had no motivation the last few months. I'm sorry for the break I will try not to disappoint all the folk who followed my story and give you and update soonTM.

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Good days, bad days · 4:22pm March 4th

Hi everypony, it's been a while since the last update of my story :unsuresweetie:. My life has been in a dumps for a while and I had no motivation the last few months. I'm sorry for the break I will try not to disappoint all the folk who followed my story and give you and update soonTM.

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Comments ( 21 )
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JD1 #21 · March 8th · · ·

Thanks for the follow.


It was not much of a mystery for me, I was reading through stories with suicide/self-harm tags so it didn't really surprise me.

I do suppose that would be a major give away.

I can really get behind that approach, some of the suicide stories just end too soft for me

Perhaps you might find this interesting?

Usually, you can read through the impulsiveness of the attempt when the character is at their weakest and immediately resolves to suicide

People go about it differently, depending on personality and how the situation hit they could have the sudden impulse or do it as how I wrote Scootaloo playing it out, calculated and premeditated. I have another story that you could check out that dabbles with the former act if it tickles your fancy.


At what point did you realize something was wrong?

It was not much of a mystery for me, I was reading through stories with suicide/self-harm tags so it didn't really surprise me. I read through a lot of Scoots stories a while ago and her trying to fly tipped me off the second I read the description :fluttershyouch:

The morale of those stories are equivalent to: “just stay positive and eventually things get better:twilightsmile:” my perspective is: “you think you have problems? I wish I was normal like you.”

I can really get behind that approach, some of the suicide stories just end too soft for me, the characters help each other and live happy hunky dory life when in reality you have: scars, PTSD, grief and other problems possibly staying for life.

Another thing that distinguished your story (which I don't know if it was intentional), was the lack of impulsiveness I got from Scoots actions. She took her time and got everything planned to the last detail, which is not the case with a lot of stories. Usually, you can read through the impulsiveness of the attempt when the character is at their weakest and immediately resolves to suicide, but here it hinted at her being tormented long enough to drive her to a decision to take her life with at least a week time prior.

Ah yes, that story. Someone else told me that they actually cried for about an hour after reading that one. It was tricky to get the first part set up just right. I was attempting to prolong the reality of Scootaloo falling rather than flying. At what point did you realize something was wrong?

A lot of suicide stories just don't show that much depth which often comes out as just too plain to be believable or just skimp on the character emotions, yours managed to make impression on me.

Most of those kinds of stories are written by people who don’t truly understand what it feels like. The morale of those stories are equivalent to: “just stay positive and eventually things get better:twilightsmile:” my perspective is: “you think you have problems? I wish I was normal like you.”


I loved the way you told the "If Words Left Scars" story. With the 4k words, you managed to capture all the character's personalities and show Scoots as an actually smart filly with the pain that got too much to her. The way she seems happy with just a chance to fly with her idol even tho it will lead to her death really shows how much it affects her. And then the Rainbow on the total opposite side of the spectrum, sees her sister try to kill herself over something not that relevant to her which later on drives her to gut-wrenching guilt as she blames herself.

The way the story was told I felt like it could actually happen (even though it is a fictional world). It made it very easy to resonate with Scoots and feel really bad watching Rainbow just falling apart from the guilt. :fluttercry: A lot of suicide stories just don't show that much depth which often comes out as just too plain to be believable or just skimp on the character emotions, yours managed to make impression on me.

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