• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.

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On Life, and Other Things · 10:27pm June 27th


Yeah, so, let's cut to the chase; I've been gone.

This probably won't come as a surprise to y'all who read these blogs after last time, but about two month after the last blog, in March, my grandma passed away. After everything, she passed in her sleep, and frankly I think she was more than ready to go. The last ~year had been hard on her for several reasons, detailed partially in the last blog, so we all kinda knew it was coming.

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Report Kodeake · 153 views ·
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TwiDash, serotonin straight into the veins

Go right ahead. :twilightsmile:
I'm glad you liked it. I loved the story.

OH MY GOSH! I'm so sorry I missed that! That's amazing! You got his outfit exactly how I imagined it and everything! And I love Blitz in the window! Just... so awesome! Thank you so much!!! Do you mind if I use it as the cover? Full credit in the description, of course!

Did you see the fan art I made for A Rainbow at Dusk?

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