• Member Since 15th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2019


"Tim, you're just so nice nobody could hate you. We all are secretly in love with you." ~bats


Worst Patient Ever - Update Complete & Parting Thoughts · 4:08am Feb 27th, 2018

A year to the day since I published the first chapter of Worst Patient Ever, and as of now the story is at last complete. It’s almost a misnomer to only think of this story as a year-long process. In reality, it’s taken well over that, nearing on two years since I first started to brainstorm, outline, and sketch out how the story would take place.

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Report Timaeus · 829 views · Story: Worst Patient Ever ·
Comments ( 131 )
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Omfg! Your TwiDash fics are the best! Please don't stop writing TwiDash! 😍💜💓💙

Comment posted by RubberEyes deleted May 6th, 2018

You know that moment? You know the one. When you realize that like, two of your favorite stories were written by the same person, but for some reason you never connected the dots before?

That was totally what happened to me today when I realized you wrote both Luck of the Lyrish (one of like, three stories I have ever read more than once) and A Perfectionist’s Romance.

This realization actually made my day measurably better.

Please let the record show that if you get too many notifications from me commenting, +liking, +faving, or otherwise +shelving stories, Novel Idea accepts full blame and responsibility for them, since he sent me here.

Nyah~! :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131
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