I live · 5:48am Dec 4th, 2019
I was going to write something here, but I couldn't find the "new blog" button and then I forgot what I was going to say.
My main story has almost 2000 views and a 76/1 rating by now, which is quite nice, you guys are cool and stuff.
I've not been writing 'cause I'm lazy. And my Muse's attention span is worse than mine, I have a brand new story on the works without even finishing the fourth chap there. It's been what? A year? Sorry about that.
Thanks for the adding, Sharp Dressed Men to your favorites. Please be sure to comment and tell me what you think. I value all comments, btw happy to be your first commenter, and if you are new too the sight, I bid you warm welcome. Also, that story is connected to two others that exist on other sites. The one being, Welcome To the Family and the other being Ballroom Blitz. So thanks for the add and I look forward to hearing any and all input.