• Member Since 6th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen March 9th


"Why, as a child, I thought sharks were my friends. [In ominous voice] I know better now." -Professor Membrane

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Small announcement · 7:10am Oct 21st, 2022

Ain't gonna sugar coat it, I'm quitting fanfics.

I write more as a hobby and enjoy building a world and junk. But my motivation for fanfics have slowly wilted away these years. And my mind finally settled with some original stories and I want to focus my writing time on that instead.

I'm making this blog so whoever was invested in my fanfics will not be confused as to why I stopped.

But if any of you are still interested in my writing well I have two stories on my royal road account.

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Report dudenotactive · 334 views · Story: Criminally Stupendous ·
Comments ( 87 )
  • Viewing 83 - 87 of 87

OH right, I was busy reading the rest and I forgot to follow you, hope you bring in some more dude

Thank you for the favorite on Shine Like the Sun.

No problem, looking forward to any No Bon Bon, fics. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for Favoriting Queen Meanie! I hope you have a splenderific day! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 83 - 87 of 87
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