• Member Since 10th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just an argentinian guy who enjoys drawing, listening to music and sometimes read one or two pony fiction.

Blog Posts

  • 71 weeks
    Feeling like doodling something

    Yep that's right, been having a lil art block and it's been a while since I've drawn some ponies and so.

    So let's fix that shall we? How so? Open to request!

    I'll be sketching almost everything people request here, mostly on traditional but maybe some pixel or digital stuff too. Just remember to post the reference or ask for DMS to send them there and your user name or mail so I can either tag you on Instagram/Twitter/Newgrounds or send em via mail.

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    0 comments · 87 views
  • 175 weeks
    I knew I was forgetting something

    I realized I never posted my art accounts.

    So here I'll link the two pages I mostly use and post stuff. Also there you can find my Ko-Fi and PayPal if you ever want to get ya self a drawing made by me.

    Here is my Instagram!

    As for twitter ... well, fimfiction is a page for good boys and girls, just like smash bros.

    Anyway; hope I see you there and here are some drawings to come and some old's too.

    Hope you enjoy them.

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    0 comments · 152 views

Feeling like doodling something · 12:12am Mar 17th, 2023

Yep that's right, been having a lil art block and it's been a while since I've drawn some ponies and so.

So let's fix that shall we? How so? Open to request!

I'll be sketching almost everything people request here, mostly on traditional but maybe some pixel or digital stuff too. Just remember to post the reference or ask for DMS to send them there and your user name or mail so I can either tag you on Instagram/Twitter/Newgrounds or send em via mail.

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Comments ( 51 )
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51

Thank you for the fav!

Thanks for the fave on Behind the Shower Curtain! I'll be updating it relatively soon so keep a look out, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! /)

Thanks for the fave! I hope you can continue to enjoy it in the future!

No probs at all, I see a good grimdark noir future there, and I love it

Thanks for the fav to Mark of the Butcher! It means a lot!

  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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