You Guys · 6:49am Jul 12th, 2020
You guys are great. Awesome. Fantastic.
I am in awe at the fact that so many of you guys still care, even when I didn’t. It makes me feel ashamed that I ever gave up on writing. I let you guys down, and I really am truly sorry. For a good few years depression has gotten the better of me, and out of some nostalgic curiosity I returned to see what had become of the site. I wasn’t all that surprised. Pornfics still reigned on the front page. Some things never change, eh?
RIP dear author
For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...
Giving Peace To Those Who Are Lost Or Have Banish
Did ya get it yet?
You use the control stick to move
You talk to characters
Personas are involved
The game has no relevance to Secret of Evermore
Adachi is the killer again
I'm joking I swear2476904
Haven't played it yet. I've mainly been focused on writing and work. I'm planning on purchasing P5 later in August, however. No spoilers!