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My proudest achievements!
An Su-37 Terminator separated from its pilot in Equestria Due to the Equestrian Senate's meddling, a cliche event must happen. The first one is a military brony's entrance to Equestria. Of course, said brony is a bit late for training and only his beloved Su-37 is brought to Equestria! What will they do?! by Gale Maze 2,414 words · 20 · 11
I'll probably include every fic I ever write here, but in the meantime, here are fics I'm proud of.
Okay, so you got the meltdown part down, but it's still not very entertaining..
In answer to your question: I had thought to cut your balls off and jam them down your mother's throat, but when I got to the trailer park your single-wide was gone. Seems the other white trash ran you off.
You family disappoints everyone, you know?
Peace be upon you, fren
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thanks for the follow.