This group is for people who are very upset about Starlight Glimmer not being hung by the neck until dead at the end of Season 5. If we all gather together and scream loudly enough, the executives at Hasbro will surely hear us and fix this terrible mistake.
Hey, the only reason I'm a member is because I want Starlight to be humiliated so I can fuck my balls off to it. But you have zero stories and do you know why, because people like her or because they dislike haters like you.
That isn't how you spell "People not blindly loving what my little pony became under low-effort directors and writers makes me very angry so i am going to cry loudly about it and you cannot stop me from doing so under any circumstances because you dont understand my pain".
406202 he's no longer sorion
*looks at the members count* Good luck with that!
405971 Heh, you're right Soarin....
The title of this group is so large that the site thought you were writing a novel.