• Member Since 12th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen July 1st


hi I'm jakkid166. I lived in Equestria and wrote about th things that happen there.

things people said about me and my stories

"This is gold."
- Shakespearicles

"The funny thing is that this story actually has better beats and narrative drive than a lot of the stagnant, meandering shit you see elsewhere. Super compelling. You've earned a lifetime reader for sure."
- An intricate Disguise

"What makes jakkid's stories so great is that they know just how stupid they are, and will sometimes call out their own bullshit, despite the main character's constant assurances that he is the best at everything, especially at being a detective."
- Presentperfect

"Despite its deliberately broken language, it's quotable as hell," Horizon said. "Every paragraph drips with surprising punchlines and glorious turns of phrase." Soge agreed: "It is impossible to finish this without having one (or several) favorite sentences."
- Royal Canterlot Lirbary

"really good job, write more plz"
- Sonic_RainbowDash2005

"Forget Galeem, this man is the light of the universe."
- Thought Prism

"Truly, jakkid166 is the greatest writer of our time. Like, I don't even know why I bother trying to compete."
- also Thought Prism

"I repeat, this is art. Wonderful throughout."
- Carabas

"Maybe there is a god"
- Boof Man

"This guy is the best author I ever am."
- me

"If someone has written a better work of fiction, tell them to stop lying."
- TheWraithWriter

"*sob* whhyyyyyyy"
- Boop-Happy Lass

jakkid FANART!

Latest Stories

About me

I am jakkid166, known for real life as Detective jakkid166 the greatest Detective in the world. I'm known for being famous and going on adventures with Twilight and the pony gang, and I here write stories to you people about the stuff I do with them (but not all of them really happened though. only some of them.)

Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50

long time viewer, second time donator. i made a version of second greatest detective in the world Dick America in hit social platform pony dot town 👍

Your fan art images are all broken. :C

Hey Jakkid, you were referenced in a youtube video with a million views! at 6:38

hi I'm jakkid166. I lived in Equestria and wrote about th things that happen there.

Okay, so, I have a few questions...

I just finished Detective jakkid166 in The Return of Harmony. My favorite jokes were when Discord countered the Elements by whipping out the Chaos Emeralds and basically everything with Applejack. Also, Discord's backstory totally sounds like something he would have come up with.

  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50
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