Looking for some stories · 12:01am May 22nd, 2021
#1: A HiE fox that takes place after Tirek is defeated. Twilight get a letter about a town that wants an award giving to a resident for what they did during the crisis. The group goes to the town to verify the claims and find out the resident was a human.
#2: A HiE fix where they are imprisoned in a cell and Celestia would come and make deals for information.
Thanks for adding Unearthed: Curse Of The Undying to your library.
Thanks for adding The Equestrian Manhunt to your shelf! You don't know how much it helped in the war against toxicity.
thanks for adding my story to your "with pictures" collection.
Thank you for adding When Worlds Collide to your library. We hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for adding my story to your library, Bossman.