• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen March 12th


That crazy Flash Sentry fangirl. Uh-huh, yeah, the one obsessed with SciFlash. Yup, that's me.

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Blog Posts

  • 51 weeks
    Can I interest you in a non-pony fic in these trying times?

    Well hello hello, everyone who reads this! It's been... an even longer time since last time, hasn't it? I know it has. :twilightblush:

    Soooooo, ever since the last time I posted anything here, a lot has happened in both my personal and fandom life, both good and bad. I could make a long extensive list, but I won't bore you with the details. I just thought I'd dust off this account a little and do this wee blog post to cover two things:

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    5 comments · 254 views
  • 147 weeks
    MLP G5 Theory: Hitch's Ancestors

    Hey, FIMFiction! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything here. :twilightblush: I haven't had any ideas for MLP or EqG stories in a while, so uh, that's why. You probably figured out that much. But I thought this space would be a good one to write down this mini-theory I came up with! Uh, the rest of this is going to be pretty much copy-pasted from my Deviantart journal, so if you've already read that, well, there's nothing new, so move along I guess. :derpytongue2:

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    4 comments · 974 views
  • 277 weeks
    Should I?

    *walks in with teacup in hand* 'Ello, everyone!

    I wanted to write this blog yesterday, but I thought someone might mistake it for an April Fools joke, so, better to be safe :twilightsheepish:

    Anyways, I'm sure most of you previously followed me on either Deviantart, Wattpad, and/or Fanfiction.net. If you did, you're aware of my recently cancelled fanfic "The Magic of Love".

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    6 comments · 433 views
  • 278 weeks
    Testing, testing...

    Hey guys! So, as you all know, I'm still new around here, and I've never posted a blog on this site before. This is sort of a test run, to see how many people read these, because there's something I want to ask my followers in a future blog.

    So, if you see this, please comment your favorite pony emoji! I think mine is :twilightsmile: Because, come on, what a cutie.

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    10 comments · 359 views

Can I interest you in a non-pony fic in these trying times? · 1:46am Jul 30th, 2023

Well hello hello, everyone who reads this! It's been... an even longer time since last time, hasn't it? I know it has. :twilightblush:

Soooooo, ever since the last time I posted anything here, a lot has happened in both my personal and fandom life, both good and bad. I could make a long extensive list, but I won't bore you with the details. I just thought I'd dust off this account a little and do this wee blog post to cover two things:

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

You know, I think the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri goes really well with both versions of Flashlight, EQG and pony.

Hello Ro994.
I’m new here, and I’m a FlashLight fan too!

Yeah. Her story Fire Pit is awesome!

I see you've met the general of our little Rebellion. :ajsmug:

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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