• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.

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Digimon Codex Suggestions. · 9:51am April 28th

Hey everyone. As you know, Digimon Codex's first story has ended. And yes, there will be a second story at some point in the future.

This blog is because I'm opening myself up to suggestions from you guys about OC Digimon. If any of you have an idea for a fanmade Digimon, I'd like to hear it. But there's also something else I really want to hear your ideas on. Digi-Xros.

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Report Banshee531 · 338 views ·
Comments ( 491 )
  • Viewing 487 - 491 of 491

Listen. I got permission to do it. Ask Banshee531.


Yes you did.

All 3 chapters are the same title, and the first few paragraphs are LITERALLY the same thing, only difference is you change a few words and added more sentences to it

I don't copy and paste the whole story. Take a better look at the chapters.

Hey Banshee, I should let you know that this user copied and paste your story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/559116/yugioh-eqg-unleash-the-circuit

In your Omnitrix Hero fanfic, will you write down that Flash's Azmuth creates a new & improved Ultimatrix instead of an Omnitrix so flash doesn't have to give up his ultimate forms?

  • Viewing 487 - 491 of 491
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