• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


Digimon Codex Suggestions. · 9:51am April 28th

Hey everyone. As you know, Digimon Codex's first story has ended. And yes, there will be a second story at some point in the future.

This blog is because I'm opening myself up to suggestions from you guys about OC Digimon. If any of you have an idea for a fanmade Digimon, I'd like to hear it. But there's also something else I really want to hear your ideas on. Digi-Xros.

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Report Banshee531 · 338 views ·

Petition · 8:28pm February 16th

Our stories are at risk. One of the moderators is cracking down on stories that use similar plots from other unrelated series. This puts a lot of stories at risk of being deleted. But we can stop this. Please sign this petition to change the

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MLP Star Wars · 9:45am Nov 23rd, 2022

Hey everybody. So, wanted to ask a question for many of my readers.

My sister's been getting me to watch a bunch of Star Wars shows like the Clone Wars, Rebels and the Bad Batch. Good shows, I'll admit. Anyway, she also asked if I had any intention of one day doing an MLP Star Wars story. I wanna know if that's something you guys would enjoy.

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Flash Sentry Pokemon Win Record · 8:04am Feb 2nd, 2022

Hey all. So a commenter of mine recently sent this to me and I enjoyed reading it and finding out what it meant, so I've decided to let you all read it as well. The commenter's agreed to let me show you as long as I don't tell you who it was. Everything after the line is what he wrote so, enjoy.

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Five Year Celebration · 7:28am Nov 1st, 2021

Greetings my friends. Well, it's been five years and over 250 chapters since I first released the Element of Courage. And in that time, we've had a lot of fun. We've laughed, we've cried and we've gotten really angry. And now, to celebrate, my editor Kingjoltik and I have each compiled our ten favourite chapters of the Flash Sentry Chronicles series. First, Kingjoltik's picks. Take it away bud.

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Five Years · 7:25am Oct 31st, 2021

Five Years ago today, I joined Fimfiction. Since then, I've written many stories and come in contact with many people who are just as big fans of MLP as me. To everyone reading this, I just want to say thank you for letting me be apart of this amazing group and supporting me through the many trials I've faced as a writer and a fan. Thank you.

Report Banshee531 · 432 views ·

Flash Sentry Chronicles: War of the Lost City · 7:42am Feb 13th, 2020

An evil exists

"This city."

That wishes for only one thing

"It's secrets...will be mine."

But for every darkness, there exists a light

Flash let out a massive sneeze, his discharge almost hitting Trixie and Springer, "Eww!"

Flash smirked as he rubbed his nose, "Sorry."

This year

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Friendship Games · 10:40am Jan 28th, 2020

Hey all. As you can see, Season 5 has come to a close and before we get to what Flash is up to in the Lost city, we need to get Friendship Games out of the way. That's why I'd like everyone's help. During the Friendship Game's second round, who should Flash replace out of the Shadowbolts. Many of you probably don't like the idea of replacing one of them, but it needs to happen for the story. So, who do you think Flash should stand in for during the race. The character with the most saying they

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Report Banshee531 · 851 views ·

Guess What · 8:16pm Sep 14th, 2019

That's right, I'm back from Fimfiction purgatory. For those wondering why I've been gone, there have been comments explaining the situation.

I'll tell you, this has been the worst week of my life. Unable to talk to any of you for something that wasn't my fault. I read the comments and just wanted to scream what had happened, but couldn't. I'm really sorry to have made you all worry.

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Scootaloo's Parents · 6:59am Jun 19th, 2019

Okay, I've just scene the latest episode. Besides the fact that Hasbro has clearly been reading my stories and taking ideas from it, what they did obviously throws my series's canon into question. So here's what I'm gonna do. Let's say that in canon, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are close friends with Trail Blazer and Misty Veil. And in canon, my OCs were done in by some means but asked the two to look after their children. Snap and Mane adopted Scootaloo when she was still a baby, but

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Report Banshee531 · 1,164 views ·