• Member Since 25th Aug, 2015
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Saiyan of the North Star

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Broly vs Kale! · 3:35pm June 19th

KO everypony, I know it has been a while since I have done this and now, I wanted to share a little something like how excited I am for the new Dragon Ball Sparking Zero game that is coming out this year like a picture of Broly vs Kale!

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Sunset x Spike.

Okay heavy spoilers, This ship with be the backbone of "Where is Everypony" second half as she'll be competing with Gabby for Spike's attention in a world where all the other ponies are dead..

Rarity x Flash Sentry

I haven't done too many Flash's. There is a few ideas I could do with this, like Rarity banging Flash to get revenge on Sunset. However, Pony Flash would be even harder to get right. I'll do the idea at least once.

Sunset x Lemon Zest

I like a lot of the Nightmare School's students. However, there is just too many to tackle in a quick go. If I touch one, other readers will want more. So if I do every take this one it will be in the anthology.

Spike x Spoil Rich
Rumble x Applejack
Pipsqueak x Indigo Zap

These three fall into the same camp as previous answers. To broad of a character, Rumble especially is a near impossible character to get right since his fanon version is so drastically different from his canon version.

Flash x Maud Pie

This... okay that sounds like a fun challenge. give me a few days to write up a blurb. Warning ahead, once I finish these, don't expect drops during July. My birth month is going have a solid break from shipping and clops in general. Outside of ones still on going, I want to save the rest for august and onward. I've got a good pace of clops done so far, but recent months have been so packed it's cutting into my other stories. I"M NOT QUITTING AT ALL., just take a month long break, which is why I'm fine still taking on these extra ideas.

Hint, if you want these ships to come out as early into august as possible, drop some story ideas, NOT JUST SCENES OR KINKS, basic plot threads will help things move much faster. I already have a good idea for FlashXRarity, but the others, have some fun. I'll check back with you tomorrow.

KO I do have a few in mind.
Sunset x Spike.
Rarity x Flash Sentry
Sunset x Lemon Zest
Spike x Spoil Rich
Rumble x Applejack
Pipsqueak x Indigo Zap
Flash x Maud Pie
Rumble x Cream Heart
Adagio x Spike

Thank you for favoring Smolder's Explicit Questions. If there are any other ships you want to see more of, don't hesitate to ask.

  • Viewing 517 - 521 of 521
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Blog Posts

  • 5 weeks
    Broly vs Kale!

    KO everypony, I know it has been a while since I have done this and now, I wanted to share a little something like how excited I am for the new Dragon Ball Sparking Zero game that is coming out this year like a picture of Broly vs Kale!

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    4 comments · 100 views

New Year Trailer for a New Story Coming Soon! · 3:51am Jan 2nd, 2017

KO everypony, Happy New Year and hope you all are having an awesome time of your life.

Here's the trailer of a new story I'm working on and hope you'll look forward to it.


He was an ordinary boy for a while until fate 'literary' shot on his left hand by an arrow and things were never the same

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Broly vs Kale! · 3:35pm June 19th

KO everypony, I know it has been a while since I have done this and now, I wanted to share a little something like how excited I am for the new Dragon Ball Sparking Zero game that is coming out this year like a picture of Broly vs Kale!

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