• Member Since 6th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen July 18th


As my favorite Entertainment Duelist always says: "The fun....HAS JUST BEGUN!!"

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My Life


Favorite Ponies: Rarity, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Luna and Aria Blaze (Yes I know she's not a pony).

Living: Delaware, USA.

Music: Classical, Rock, Some Pop, J-Rock, Jazz, and a little Dubstep.

Personality: I like to make everyone around me smile, I'm like Pinkie Pie just not as hyper...ok I'm a little bit hyper sometimes.


Update: March 2024! · 6:33pm March 19th

Salutations! What's Going on People! Just a quick Update on what's going on. Life if really good, getting a promotion at work, starting Fanfiction Commissions, working out at the gym, a great vacation, Ect. It's been pretty Chill, don't worry I haven't forgotten about you all or the stories i have on here. I'll be getting back to work in April to bring you all more of what you've been wanting.

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Report CosmicAlchemist24 · 181 views ·
Comments ( 165 )
  • Viewing 161 - 165 of 165

Can’t wait for the next chapter of Twilight’s Realm.

Still would like to know if you would like to read the scenario I mentioned earlier.

I'll take your silence as a no.

  • Viewing 161 - 165 of 165
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