• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen July 18th


Standing on the outside, dying on the inside.

Stuff that I've written

Comments ( 81 )
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I didn't like it anymore, and I reached a point where I wasn't sure how to continue.

What happened to Goodbye Forever: Second Chance?

Only if you’re up for the task. There’s one that’s practically on a silver platter. Written and waiting to be published but I wasn’t confident enough to go through with it. One I have a great start on that just needs to have a middle and end slapped onto it. Two long incomplete longer ones that I most likely won’t have the time to finish despite very much wanting to. And two/three that I haven’t even begun writing yet.

But again it all comes down to your decision.

So, you want me to take over some of your stories for you?

I’m in a bit of a bind, but before I say anything else, you should be brought up to speed with what I’m talking about.


  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81
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