• Member Since 8th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I also draw pretty pictures :3

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  • TNight Mares
    Drafted into the defense of Equestria, the Crusaders volunteer to embark a series of dangerous operations behind enemy lines to cripple one of their chief technological advantages, a revolutionary spell matrix that Twilight refers to as the "radio."
    NCMares · 35k words  ·  1,155  27 · 14k views

Night Mares Fanart(!)

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NC's Got Jokes Ayy · 8:14am Apr 2nd, 2018

That probably would have been way more effective had I remembered to mark it as 'Complete.' My bad. Almost had (most) of you! Not to worry. Just give it another, oh, five years or so and we ought to have the conclusion in VIII! :rainbowwild:

Report NCMares · 981 views · Story: Night Mares ·
Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

o.o omg I didn't know you had an account here! I love your art so much!

Hello, it's me again :/
I'm writing because I thought you didn't see the private message. I hope I don't bother you too much. i'm still waiting for your reply. No matter what it will be.
Sincerely, goodbye.

Hey Mares! Got the sequel to my Godzilla crossover published! It's a Godzilla vs Kong crossover, A King to a God, if ya ever wanna check it out :raritywink:

You bet! Thanks so much for writing! I apologize for not doing so sooner, I go back to it every so often and finally got it done!

Hiya Mares, thanks for liking that story of mine, I appreciate it :heart:

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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