• Member Since 16th Aug, 2014
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The Old Plug

Retired USAF MSgt. Iraq Vet with an AARP card (Scared the Marines with it twice!)

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Silence is not an option. · 1:47pm Jun 6th, 2020

Though my following is small, I have to say something or my soul will lose another piece to the darkness I fight against every day.
Police and National guard attacked an Aid Station in Minneapolis. The Red cross is a protected symbol in an area of conflict. I'm sickened by the dishonorable act of those who I call brothers in arms.
Black Lives matter has shown a spotlight onto an America that doesn't care about the people I took an oath to protect.
Rules of engagement.

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Report The Old Plug · 328 views ·
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E"What's Yours is Mine!" or "Why Work When You Can Steal?!"
Two crafty robbers from the big city of Manehatten learn about the "easy pickings" to be had in a sleepy little town called "Ponyville." Fortunately for them, it also has a top-notch hospital...
-TheStoryteller- · 5.2k words  ·  107  3 · 1.2k views

:yay: for the Fav!

Thankies for the fav it is appreciated.

Thanks for the favorite on The Guard of a Different Stripe. I hope you enjoyed your time with it.


No problem, it was an oversight on my part! I've enjoyed your work for sometime now. Reviewed your lead page and realized I didn't hit the "Follow " button. I've resolved that issue now.

Heh, you're not the only one who makes a late realization that they're not following. I do appreciate it :heart:

Keep doing what you're doing and the FIM world will read it with great interest!

Thank you, I shall!

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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Silence is not an option. · 1:47pm Jun 6th, 2020

Though my following is small, I have to say something or my soul will lose another piece to the darkness I fight against every day.
Police and National guard attacked an Aid Station in Minneapolis. The Red cross is a protected symbol in an area of conflict. I'm sickened by the dishonorable act of those who I call brothers in arms.
Black Lives matter has shown a spotlight onto an America that doesn't care about the people I took an oath to protect.
Rules of engagement.

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Report The Old Plug · 328 views ·