• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
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State of the Author · 5:59pm Aug 27th, 2021

Hello everyone, it’s been some time since I’ve posted anything. So I figured now was as good a time as any to blog about what I’m currently up to.

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And thank you! I shall of course utilize the greatest of writing methodology:trollestia:

I'm thinking to work on some independent stuff. Best of luck working on your own things!


I had a pretty good year.


Pretty busy as I tried new things and tried to meet several goals.

Nice. Anything in particular?

I was thinking to get back onto some writing, since I haven't been doing much due to being burned out and very busy with life.

Excellent. You are one of the better writers I've seen on here and I look forward to more. Still working on your previous AU or are you branching out and doing your own thing?

Also Im trying to get back into the swing of thing after a long hiatus myself. Nothing to do with my past stuff, a few not pony at all, but I look forward to what comes.

But coming back, looking back at my works I can draw one conclusion


In all seriousness, its good to see quite a few of you guys are still around

I had a pretty good year. Pretty busy as I tried new things and tried to meet several goals. I was thinking to get back onto some writing, since I haven't been doing much due to being burned out and very busy with life.

Took me awhile to get back here, sorry bout that:twilightblush:

I assume then you also had a good new year?

Any creative plans for the coming, pony or not?

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