• Member Since 26th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen July 7th


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Comments ( 24 )
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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

well, thanks a bunch for the random watch! Can I ask what prompted such a decision?

Thanks for faving "EXTERMINA- No! Bad Dalek!" may I ask why?

1729090 You are always welcome!

1727824 Thank you for the great story!

  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24
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My profile art

A big thank you to Rateofdrawn who drew it for Tchernobog and to Tchernobog for letting me use it. :pinkiehappy:


I am a 20 year old college student and brony of about 2 months. My fav pony is Fluttershy and my least fav is Rarity. I love pretty much any type of story expect for sad/dark. I get way too into stories and sad endings makes me just too sad. I'm looking to be a pre-reader/editor or what ever else will help authors write stories because I want to give back to this site but can't write stories myself. If your looking for help with a story send me a message and I would be happy to help anyway I can.
Edit: I actually have some experiance now thanks to Loyal Liar, Eletricka, and Ponibius for letting me help them. Still looking to assist more :D.

Thinks I like

Not that anyone is likely to read this anytime soon or care but I don't want to study so I made this instead! I enjoy playing World of Warcraft, DnD, CoD, Halo, Magic the Gathering, World of tanks, and many more games but those are the big ones. I'm currently working on becoming a biochemical Engineer and as such my writing and general communication skills are lacking or at least more geared to simple to the point type writing.... Oh yah and I like ponies too.