• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe.


Tales off for Vacation · 7:32pm Apr 10th, 2023

Basically the title says it all: Tales will be taking a couple weeks off; don't know exactly how many, but chapters should be back before the end of April.


Report LoyalLiar · 179 views · Story: Tales from Everfree City ·
Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75

Was listening to this in the warehouse and I cannot help but think of Price of Loyalty

(Avatar - Sky Burial)

Yeah. Look to "A Beginner's Guide to Heroism" and upcoming sequel for the end of that storyline.

So what happened to Where Loyalties Lie: Ghosts of the Past? Was it cancelled or something?

  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75
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