• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2015


Verlax, polish brony, admin of The Polish Writers Society, author of several fics, big fan of Warhammer 40.000, H.P Lovecraft writing and of course My Little Pony.


GWW : Random Stuff · 4:48pm Feb 24th, 2015


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Report Verlax · 644 views · Story: Gold Wins Wars ·

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  • TJudgment of Carrion
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Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40

I will write in english because I'm not sure if I can use Polish. I'm just here to say "good work" with "2986 steps". Great fic especially if somebody is Pilipiuk's fan. Stay awsome!:twilightsmile:


Well... ehm... thanks?:twilightsmile:

In all seriousness, you don't need to thank me for Favouriting... seriously, I don't understand this.

I'm glad you enjoyed my little foray into the little world of Spike and Dash. I'm glad that you Faved Every Little Bit, and liked how they contemplated how their lives are similar... and, you know, their kiss!:moustache::rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the fave^^

Thanks for the watch and critique :raritywink:

I see you're from Poland! I didn't know that when replying, but allow me to say I have complete and utter respect for your country and her citizens.

I think you will enjoy Our Darkest Our since I eventually get into Poland's struggle, with that some other events of WWII (slightly altered and ponified of coarse)

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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