Diseases, Plagues and Illnesses 124 members · 76 stories

Diseases, Plagues and Illnesses

The group dedicated to stories which main theme is centered on diseases. Maybe it's the epidemic that kills dozens of ponies, maybe it's just a Fluttershy catching a flu, or maybe it's zombie virus...

In general, there are only two rules : Love & Tolerate and Friendship & Magic. However, if you want to add a story, the "disease theme" need to be core of the story. Example :

Correct : Fluttershy caught the flu. Twilight Sparkle came to her and help her fight with this small illness...
Not Correct : Fluttershy caught the flu. Twilight Sparkle came to her to help, but instead she discovered an old history of Fluttershy past...

And of course, you have to put it in correct folders. Here there are :

Epidemic : This folder is dedicated to the stories involving the plague that attacked a big amount of ponies. For example, the story about the cholera which attacked the entire city.
Deadly : This folder is dedicated to the stories involving the diseases that actually can kill a pony. Black death anyone?
Light : This folder is dedicated to the stories involving not dangerous diseases, that can't kill a pony.
Magical : This folder is dedicated to the stories involving plagues that do not exist in our real world. Zombie virus, magical disease affecting unicorn's horns... You got the point.
Existing : This folder is dedicated to the stories involving the diseases that actually exist in our real world. Leprosy? Tuberculosis? Black Death? Cholera? AIDS? Flu?

Important Note about "Zombie" stories : If you want to put a "Zombie" story in this group, the theme of being infected, dealing with illness need to be core of the story. "Left4Dead" style stories do not belong to this group.

In conclusion, have fun!

Stay Awesome


Comments ( 5 )
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Existing : This folder is dedicated to the stories involving the diseases that actually exist in our real world.

Does Diabetes Count? :unsuresweetie:

No stories?
That shall change!

Hello there!

I guess it will take some time before this group will get a quite normal group of guys, but I think we awesome just now! :twilightsmile:

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