• Member Since 25th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen July 15th


I'm Mordecai Mapper, musician, writer, person


Back from the Ashes · 7:14pm Apr 7th, 2017

Hello, I'm back (probably I will not stay a lot of time), but probably I will continue Rock in Ponyville and create new stories.


Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 67 - 76 of 76

Thank you kindly for the watch~ :heart:

Majin Syeekoh

I'm... honored that you'd consider one of my stories inspirational enough to write an 11 minute track for it.

I'm not sure how to handle this, but thanking you is probably a good start.

Thanks for the follow and the two new favorites! :twilightsmile:

2427963 I like histories in the first person, that method is very genious. Also, I like the jokes on this history :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: they are so funny

2427934 in that case may i ask what you enjoy about Scorched by Fate ?

2427901 Hi there, Scorched by Fate is a great story, I'm up for see more chapters of it, I'm only at the second now, but I see that it's incomplete :pinkiehappy:

Keep up the good work :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the Watch! :twilightsmile:

May I ask what it's for?

Thanks for favoriting Love is Rocky and for the watch! May I ask what stories you like?

Hi hello just dropped by the say thanks for the follow! *brohoof*

  • Viewing 67 - 76 of 76
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