• Member Since 18th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen June 28th


Took a rather long Hiatus from FimFiction writing, but I'm back now, hopefully a bit more reliability


Intrest Poll and Finishing a Story · 9:59am May 17th, 2023

Hello to anyone who is still around on this site and more specifically people who are around on my user page.

So clearly I’ve been incredibly absent, but I do feel sad about that and would like to try and get back into writing more, but having two massive stories on the trot at the same time can be tricky, so thought I’d see what the general consensus was about which one people prefer or would like to see finished. Poll below:


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Report FenrisianBrony · 264 views ·

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  • Viewing 262 - 266 of 266

Anytime, loving your stuff :D

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Hey Man! I just want to say that I absolutely love your story about Spike in the Star Wars Universe. You are extremely considerate and aware of all the different source materials for the Old Republic. You keep the spirit of Star Wars alive and you respect the foundations. Spike fits in flawlessly and has the edge of Magic not native to the universe. I know you're working on other projects now, but I just want to say this is one of the best fan projects I've ever read, from Star Wars OR MLP.

  • Viewing 262 - 266 of 266
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