Been a while... wow... · 12:52am Oct 17th, 2016
So yeah, guess it's been over a year since I last posted a blog. So... how you guys been?
So yeah, guess it's been over a year since I last posted a blog. So... how you guys been?
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If the blog posted by this person ( bluemoon1996 ) is to be believed, it's your birthday...
So happy birthday, buddy!
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HellThe Group Dedicated To The Group Dedicated To Doing Whatever We Want, Whenever We WantWe hope you enjoy your stay!
Image isn't mine, but I feel that it's accurate.
Well, I'm glad to hear that at the very least things haven't been bad.
Hopefully I'll be starting a new job soon.
Sameish as I've always been. I'm starting up writing stories again, but i've been keeping them to myself.