• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2018

Bishibosh the Shaman


New Story in the works! · 2:34am Aug 7th, 2015

Hey guys, just wanted to apologize for the long period of inactivity. As I have said a lot (and to be honest it is starting to sound like an excuse) a lot of personal stuff going on in my life.

For those who care see below, for those interested in seeing my next project scroll down to the picture.

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Report Bishibosh the Shaman · 417 views ·

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Comments ( 53 )
  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53

looks like this account may be dead, move along everypony, enjoy their stories


check yo dang skype

Thank you for joining the Bon Bon Fan Club. We are currently having a mini Bon Bon draw off! If you are interested in joining I will be more than happy to link you to the details :pinkiehappy:

873823 Thank you kindly, yours gave me a good chuckle as well :twilightsmile:

I just gotta give you props on your name, nice one!

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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