• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 11th, 2022



The Knight is approaching · 2:55am Feb 10th, 2013

Well my new story, A knight to remember, has been submitted and boy did I start off with one hell of a long chapter, over 4300 words - and I loved every one of them. For the few people who follow me I shall give you a preview of the very beginning, enjoy:

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Comments ( 51 )
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51

Yeesh, January 13th? Can we at least get a confirmation that you're done writing or something? Super bummed that A Knight to Remember is on Rick & Morty level hiatus

You still writing?

1957443 Well thank you. I appreciate the compliment.

1957437 You look to be a very intresting person to follow ^.^

Thank you for the follow. I returned the favor. :)

  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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