• Member Since 13th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



Sorry for the wait! · 2:26am Feb 25th, 2012

Hello! Sorry to my fans of the Powerpuff Girls/FiM crossover, but I was left without a way to charge my laptop for a few weeks. As you can see, that problem is now over. I shoud have a new chapter up by next Sunday...and I'll try to make it worth the wait. Catch you Next Continue!

Report PrinceofBrony · 447 views ·

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Comments ( 47 )
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Thanks for the favorite on A Tastier Surprise.

Thank you for listing up a tale like Mare-unal Labor. Keep sticking around, you won't wanna miss a moment of Vis.

Lemme know in the fic's comments just what drove you to it - after all, the F.A A.O. BattleStation always appreciates exploring new targets of opportunity!

Heyoo!!! Broski, wazzap? Any stories that you may want to suggest to me for a future reference?

Well against my better judgement, I decided to give this one more chance. You'd have to excuse my mistakes, it was my first story, i'm sure you've been there, done that. I assumed the tags, cover art and wording were enough of a warning. But i'll make sure to put in a warning before I post my work.

Comment posted by xombiekilla deleted Jul 5th, 2018
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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