• Member Since 7th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2018


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General info

Fair warning, but I'm probably the worst pony author ever. I'm a perverted, smug asshole and I think I'm way more clever and profound than I actually am. Oh sure you can fine worse stories out there, at least in a purely technical sense, but I'm pretty sure that those are actually fun to read as opposed to me when I try to be clever instead of just writing smut. Seriously, give Where There's Smoke a read and tell me that you honestly don't kind of want to punch me now.

That said, got a fetish or scenario you'd like to see but don't feel like writing yourself? Message me and we'll see if we can work something out. I reserve the right to refuse anything for any reason including but not limited to it grossing me out, baffling me or simply being far beyond my meager abilities. I also do not guarantee publication. I may abandon a story if I can't get any sort of good progress done on it or for any number of other reasons. Previous reasons have included existential angst and the existence of trees, so... don't get your hopes up though I will endeavor to get you a copy of what I've gotten done through google docs if things do go tits up.

Note that I will absolutely not do fics for any of the following categories:

Guro- While I do sometimes indulge in a bit of bloodthirsty ghoulishness myself I'm not a fan of torture or murder fics.

Your OC- This is not out of hatred but entirely because I have a hard time getting other people's characters right when I haven't had a chance to really study and think about them the way I have with the characters from the show. I urge you to instead write these stories yourself because seriously guys, writing is super easy. I'm a strategically shaved sasquatch and I manage to write.

Sparity- I fucking hate this ship and I'm not going to apologize for it. If its your thing then more power to ya, but don't look for it from me.

Additionally if you for some ungodly reason like my smut, I've written a few stories which have yet to be placed here that can be found over in the fanfiction forum on derpibooru.


I'm psychic! · 5:21am Oct 4th, 2015

Given the most recent episode, I feel fully comfortable claiming clairvoyance on the subject of Big Mac dressing in drag. Yes, yes I know... he just did it for his sister and all that. Shut up and let me have this alright? Its rare that a show like this directly indulges one of my fetishes.

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Report gasmaskangel · 511 views ·
Comments ( 15 )
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1625715 I intend to eventually, which admittedly I have been saying for the last six months without doing so, so Christ knows when I'll actually have those stories up here.

As for requests, go ahead and PM me with the details. I can't promise anything because the story might fall through for any number of reasons, but I'll be happy to hear you out.

recently read some of your work on Derpibooru. please bring it over to fimfic soon! It was amazing!:moustache: keep making more!

also, i have a few requests if you want to hear them.:unsuresweetie:

1426065 thank you,I appreciate it.

1424726 I did indeed and I do intend to bring it over here eventually.

Didn't you create a fiction on Derpibooru, that shipped Applebloom and Babs, with the ladder having a massive futa cock, that shot ridiculous amounts of cum, and may or may not have caused bloating in the stomach area. I was hoping to get clarification. If so can you bring that peace of literature to this site. Please:heart:

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I'm psychic! · 5:21am Oct 4th, 2015

Given the most recent episode, I feel fully comfortable claiming clairvoyance on the subject of Big Mac dressing in drag. Yes, yes I know... he just did it for his sister and all that. Shut up and let me have this alright? Its rare that a show like this directly indulges one of my fetishes.

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Report gasmaskangel · 511 views ·