• Member Since 27th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2022


I am a brony in Wisconsin


Rewriting Stories · 12:13am Aug 24th, 2019

Ok I've taken alot of time off especially since like I said after Season 7 ended I kind of fell out of love with MLP overall. I still like the show but I don't think it's as good as previous seasons. I've also taken time off in order to work on my skills as a writer and I've used me new found expirence to become a novelist, so since I've been able to improve as a writer I'd love to rework on some old stories and actually finish some I hadn't finished before hand. Specifically my Equestrian Wars

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When I first started off as a writer I was inexperienced but I've grown over the years. Especially since I wrote a book, still trying to get it published though. So I plan on rewritting some of my older stories.

Why do most of your stories have so many dislikes? I mean, they can't be that bad, right? ...Right?

My Firestorm is also a pegasus, but part of a three-member elite strike team under Celestia's watch, looking out for threats and eliminating them before they can impact the lives of civilians. The other members of the "Guardians of the Sun" are a unicorn knight with stiff formality and a drive to constantly perfect himself, making him constantly feel inadequate, and a super soldier earth pony with no tongue and a split personality, who never shows off his body or Cutie Mark. Constantly angry or bitter, he has sworn to exterminate a particular breed of monster that has taken everything away from him.

They're in my grandest story yet, A Rather Large Adventure. Would you like to take a look?

Sounds interesting. My Firestorm is a member of the Wonderbolts

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